How to be more confident


Usually there are two types of people in this world first who quit easily when they feel fear and nervousness from the difficult situation. This type of person are called diffident means who don't have a confidence to fight against the situation. Second type of person are person who feel the same fear and nervousness but instead of quitting the take action and these people ane Called confident person. Every body wants to be a confident person because confidence plays the major key role in success. Confidence helps to raise self esteem and being confident also makes us attractive in the crowd. Now most under confident people think that they will never be able to develop confidence Just because they are introvert and shy type from childhood, But it's not true. Introvert to introvert people has a selective confidence means they don't feel shy in front of their family members or in front of few close Friends, which shows that they all have confidence but they know how to use it. They always think of how to gain Confidence or how to build self confidence and there is nothing wrong in that because they need self confidence. Every shy people can develop confidence if they  choose to spent their rest of life as an Confident person.

what is confidence

It is a fact that confidence is nothing but a believe in yourself, believe to become succesfull and, believe that helps to take action in life. confidence is an social skill that helps we be win hearts and trust of other people.Confidence is not inborn characteristics we develop it on our own. shy people better knows the value of confidence  because they have less confidence. 

Now question arises, "how to boost self confidence?". we can easily boost our self confidence by working on ourselves and I am going to share you few steps that will surely help you to improve your confidence.

Steps to develop confidence:

1) stop comparing yourself with others.

you ever Have noticed that when you meet a child or a baby you never fell a nervousness but when  you go in front of a person bigger than you in  Money, Status and talent you start to feel nervous. I have noticed this thing many times in my life, But now I don't feel nervousness and the reason. behind it is I stopped comparing myself with others. I get Inspire from from others  but not compare with them. Confidence is not called when a person goes on a stage by thinking that he is better from others. True Confidente is when a person has a Confidence without comparing with others. When you start to think that no one is better than you and no one is worst than you, no one is above you and noone is below you then only you will be able to bring true confidence in your self. If you want to compare then compare with your self how was you yesterday and how much better you are today from your past.

2) Change body language

 If I say you to Imagine  a confident person then will you think about a person who walks with his shoulders bend, who fears to make a eye contact or who talks with very low voice, definetly you will not think about this type of person. If you want to see instant confidence in your self then work on your body language because we perform 55% of communication with our body language and 35% with our voice tone that's why first change your body language and voice tone in to a confident person. Means sit straight or stand Straight, Take some personal space, speak not too loud and not too slow, Make proper eye contact, keep smile on your face and are various things which you can do to get instant Confidence.

3) Make small goals and achieve them.

one of the biggest thing that stops  people to be Confident is named  Cognitive Disonance. If we will surely remove this from our life we will become more authentic and Confident person. When our action are different from what we think it is called  Cognitive Disonance. You can take an example suppose I  make a plan of waking up early and performing exercise daily but instead of waking up I slept until afternoon then this will make me feel as loser and it will lower down my confidence. This thing is called Cognitive Disonance.

To fight this you must set a goals and try to achieve them like think of going for a walk for 5 min. When you will do this this thing will instantly make you confident.

4) Fake it until make it

In an experiment few volunters were divided into group of 4 people and they were said to solve some math problem and after they solve it discuss them in groups and then give their final answer and whoever will give maximum right answer will get a cash prize. From this experiment it was concluded that people who gave their answer with Confidence in a group were thought to be more intelligent in their group irrespective of being their answer  right or wrong. It was resulted that fake confidence is more effective than right answer because usually when the people see a confident person the ignore their mistakes and try to follow them. you see in real life that in sales , Politics and in many  places  people show fake confidence which help them to influence other people. You can also show this fake confidence by acting like confident person because it is self ful filling prophency which will help you to become truly confident.

5) True confidence model 

True confidence follows a model which is called ABC Model where A stonds for Abilities, B for Beliefs and C for contigent. when we develop skills in ourself and learn something new our Confidence increases. Learning new Abilities helps to boost confidence  you must increase your skills in every field and specially in Communication skills .

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