Six proven ways to get relieve from stress and anxious thinking


Stressed man

What is stress?

Stress has now become a very important part of our life. Stress is nothing but its body's physiological response to something that makes us feel threatened or upsets us in some way. If stress is in a limited amount then it can be helpful as it keeps you focused and it also makes you feel energetic but beyond a certain limit, it is harmful to our body.

What are the common causes of stress?

The most common causes of stress are the:-
•Financial irregularity
•Work place stress
•Strained relationships
•Different feeding habits
•Bigger responsibilities
•Work load
•Fearing a change
•Family issues
• Losing control over the situation
•Your emotional response towards the situation.

Characteristics of stress

•Change in normal behaviour •Sudden mood swings. An individual can become happy or too sad
•The individual stark keeping himself alone
•Getting frustrated by small things.

Feeling shy

Symptoms of stress

•Individual will become very lethargic or he will become very anxious.
•Increased heart rate.
•Cold and sweaty hands.
•Having cramps in muscle
•Gastrointestinal symptoms.
Unable to get proper sleep (Insomnia).
•Loss of sexual activity or loss of sexual desire.
•Trembling of Hands.
These are the symptoms of stress.

What stress do to your body?

Taking too much stress Can cause various problems in your body.

Mental Problems:-

If you take too much stress then it can lead to severe depression and anxiety due to which you will start losing interest in all the things whatever things you do you will find boring. Mostly stressed people are seen that they start to find mistakes in themselves due to which their Confidence level decreases and they find the only failure in their life. They start to stay away from others think negatively about themselves. You also feel some headache that will trouble you a lot.

Physical problems:-

Several cardiac problems can also arise like an increase in blood pressure and an increase in chances of heart attack if you take too much stress. Stress can also cause stroke or paralysis of some part of the body. It can also affect your daily eating habit that you will don't feel like eating or start to eat a lot which can lead to obesity and other associated problems like diabetes and hypertension. You will start to have heartburn due to gastritis your regular bowel habits will get disrupted badly in more scientific term it is called irritable bowel syndrome. Stress can badly affect your lifestyle. Stress is more harmful than it looks. Stress has destroyed millions of lives not only in one part but in the entire world.

Running out of time

How to relieve stress?

Stress is the reason because of which most diseases generate in human directly or indirectly or because of which people fail to fight big problems and diseases. We find it difficult to control stress because we don't know the scientific method to handle it. An hourglass many sand grains move from one place to another from a thin /small area no matter how much you try it won't go down together and if you force it then it will get a break. Hence it's better if we allow one grain at a time to go down. In our lives also like hourglass when we wake up in morning many stress, work, worries cames in our mind and if we think of getting over it at once then it can give us stress. Instead of completing it all at once, we should try to complete it one after another. There is a very powerful ancient saying " Our main business is not to do what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand". Most of the people have the same problem that they think about a lot of things together and while thinking about all stuff they fail to take action because of which their problem remains the same and their stress increases which eventually starts ruining their life. To avoid stress I am gonna share with you few techniques by following them you can better handle your stress.

Hour glass

Identify the cause of your stress

Many times we don't identify our stress we continue to worry without thinking about the reason. It's better to observe your stress and to find the reason behind your stress. Once you find your stress cause you should try to find its solution with a calm mind. We must carefully understand the bigger picture that what we will lose by wasting time staying stressed. Instead of crying over the problem, we should try to find the solution and remove the stress from its roots. Many time solution is present in front of our eyes but we aren't able to find it.

Do work which you like

we all have some hobbies and interest in some work whether it be anything. Our hobbies and interest can play a crucial role in helping us in our stressful time. Whenever you feel stressed you must try working on the things you like most. By doing him we can drive our attention from the street full environment to the things which makes us feel happy. It can also raise our mood and make can make us feel better you can also try out things like Drawing, swimming or playing out with friends. This thing will help you a lot.

Stress and relax board

Stop regretting your past.

Sometimes Some past event can also make us stress. If you have done some mistake in your past and now you are suffering from it then you must stop thinking about that mistake. You can't change your past but you can change your future, you have nothing to do with your past. Just stop regretting the mistakes you have made because it will only give you some worries and stress. we should always learn from our past and use that experience to build a better present and future. You should positively see your past. Everybody makes mistake in their past but the people who stop regretting about their past and learn from it only goes beyond their limits.

What's your story

Get emotional support.

During stress we all start to feel alone we start to see that no one cares about us we are left behind with our problems but that's not true. Our family and friends are always with us. If you feel stressed then you must make a better emotional connection with your loved one's because stress makes us emotionally weak and by expressing our feeling to our family members we can strengthen our mind and by doing it we will get the confidence to handle the stress. Stress is temporary it fades down with time and by taking help from our family and friends we can stay motivated in stressful times.


Taking fresh air and exercising can uplift our mood and can lower our stress.  Performing exercise is a proven technique to control stress. Exercise can keep you healthy not only physically but mentally also. You should perform exercise daily to keep yourself healthy. To Beat Stress you can also try one of the best technique which is meditation. Now I don't think that I need to tell you the benefits of meditation because everyone knows the value of meditation. It calms your mind and can be very helpful in stress.


Hear music

Hearing music is also a medically proven technique to lower stress. Soft music can calm your mind. You can also listen to some binaural beats or some Instrumental music it will also help you.

If these techniques, don't help you and the stress symptoms are increasing instead of decreasing you must ask for help from doctors and tell them about your condition.

Hope you have found this post helpful please share this valuable information with others.

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