Five time management strategies to save time


Standing in clock

Importance of time management

Time is one of the valuable things which we have. Time never stops for anyone and never runs according to anyone. We have to run according to time. Most of the time we delay things thinking that we will do it later because we think we have time but it's the wrong mentality. You will betty know the value of time when it's gone and you can do nothing other than regretting so it's better to value time from starting. The biggest mistake that we make in our life is that we think we have time, we will not even realise also when time has gone. Wasting time one of the major problem in today's youngsters they waste their time on mobiles, gossiping and watching tv and then also they say that they don't get time to complete their work. Most people don't know how to use their time they see time-wasting and working as the same. If you understand the value of time and want to save your time and spend into working on your goals then you must learn to manage your time. Today I will share with you five techniques which will help you to manage your time, so let's get started.

Money growth in time

Time logging

Research conducted in 2006 and 2007 showed that the people who say that the work 60-70 hours in a week work only for 50-52 hours or less than it but in that there might be some exceptional person who may be working for 60-70 hours but the majority of us don't do it. On average maximum people overestimate their work means they think they have done more work than they do and on another's side the underestimate their sleeping and relaxing time means they think that they haven't taken any relaxation even after relaxing. Research shows that an average American employee spends 1.7 hours. in wasting his time in phones, personal work etc during in his work time. problem with the maximum people is that they don't know to use their 168 hours of their week to become more productive and manage time for enjoyment. A dedicated person can manage his time for his family and friends or himself even if he is very busy. Michael schidlowsky works as a software engineer at Google. His works are very stressful and challenging but then also he manages time to teach his sister maths, he also removes time to teach at new york university every week and he also manages time for swimming and running and then also he says that he gets time to do many other works like watching tv.

IF you also think that you are too busy and unable to manage time then I challenge you to use this logging method. In this method, you should take a notebook and write in it how you spend your day. The more precisely and honestly you will write about your every hour you will be able to understand when you are wasting your time. 

Time is money

 18-minute ritual

A healthy ritual can help us very much to increase performance in our life. we all need to have a ritual in our life. In 18 minute ritual, there are three main steps.

Step-1:- plan for the main task of your day first. Think about the things which will increase your day's worth.

Step-2:- Divide your time into hours and at the end of every hour write down what you have done in that hour. This thing will help you a lot to Focus on things and for this, you can also set an alarm which will remind you after every hour

Step-3. At the end of the day review the thing what you have done you can write things like what you learnt today, what new things you learnt today and about new skills that you acquire and mistakes that you performed.

This 18-minute ritual is very powerful which will make you very efficient and will help you to manage your time.

Seeing the watch

Get over perfectionism.

There is some person in the world who become so busy in making things perfect that they never take actions they fear to be failed. In today's world, Iceland is the happiest country and it is also not a surprising thing that maximum person in Iceland is an artist and the reason behind this is in their Culture failure is not seen as a bad thing due to which people there do not fear from failure and focus on only taking actions due to which they become more productive. We think that we can do hard work only when we are motivated but it's not true. Actions are not an effect of motivation it can be cause means when we take some action we feel motivated to do more work so we just need to work to beat procrastination. One of the best technique to beat procrastination is to take actions. whether it big or small just take actions.

Time management table

Make a not-To-Do list 

 Today we are surrounded by a lot of information because we feel insecurites that we will miss Something big and due to it, we start to consume information which is useless for us and only waste out time. It is very important to say no to useless things like reading useless things, debating about favourite celebrities etc. The transportation industry in America conducted research in which they fitted camera inside many cars just to know what people do just before an accident. They found that 80% per cent times the driver was distracted before 3 seconds of accident by things like mobile or radio. Most people make a list of things that they should do but they don't make any list about thing things they should not do due to which they stay away from satisfaction and are unable to do work with efficiency.

Microsoft Company performed research on their employees in which they discovered that their average employee was getting interrupted four times every hour and after getting interrupted they were wasting their very much time to get back to their work. To complete hard work easily we should make a list of things that we should avoid doing.

Settings up goals

Four-step formula to save time

1) learn to say no to unimportant things.

2) Don't get confused with the things which looks like important work but are not. Don't compare efficiency with busyness.

3) start to ignore the non-important task.

4) practice more and more so that you become an expert in your work, so that you will be able to do more work in less time.

Hope you find this helpful please share this information with others.

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