What is body language and what are its signs?

 Whatever we think and feel reflects in our action. Our body moves with our thoughts means our action and thought are connected with each other. Most of us don't observe actions and give importance to words which is not a good thing because our mouth can lie but our body cannot. 

Hand shake

We can easily identify what others are thinking just by observing others actions. Everybody's body is an open book which only those can read who knows haw to read it. To read any ones actions you must know the body language. 

Body language is a very vast topic as there are numerous signs and actions which is not easy to learn, it also requires lot of practice and time but there are some of body language tricks which is not very hard to learn and requires very less time to learn. I will share with you those tricks which will sure gonna help you day to day life in every place. So let's get started. 

There are few things we should remember before going to learn body language. 

1) observe in context

    Before learning about anyone's body language you must first get information about the environment in which he is.

2) cluster of tells

    Don't consider any sign differently you should observe different signs in an order. 

3) baseline behavior

     We all have some particular actions that we regularly do which is some what our habit and that type of habit we should observe in others. When you get any action different from others normal behavior then it is sign that there is something wrong. 

4) comfortable vs uncomfortable

      Before reading others habit you should be able to identify that other person whose action you are gonna read is in a comfortable state or not. Comfortable means whether he is happy, confident and uncomfortable means he is stressed or nervous. 

Where does body language come from? 

Our body language comes from the part of the brain called limbic system and most of the actions from this part are not in our control that's why we can't hide our body language. 

Whenever our body gets into a stress it shows three major action freeze, flight and fight. To decrease this stress our brain makes us to do some actions due to which stress on our body decreases. This actions that decrease stress are the action that we observe in body language. Actions like touching our neck, massaging forehead, loosening collar, fast breathing are some highlighted action in body language.

Five body parts in which we can easily observe body language. 

Feet and legs

Upper body


Hands and fingers


Feet and legs

Since childhood we all have learnt to cover our face but most people don't give attention to their legs hence, legs becomes one of the best way to understand others body language. 

Happy feet:- moving legs fast shows that the other person is very excited or he has something important to do. 

Direction of feet:- our feet always stays in the direction in which we wants to go. If you see anybody feet direction away from you then it means that the want to go somewhere in that direction or they are not interested in your talk. 

Legs play:- keeping both legs away from each other shows dominant and confidence. 

Walking style:- our walking style tells very much about us like if you see anybody walking by moving his hands then it means that he is happy and on another side if you see some one walking slowly and confused then it means that he is stressed or have any problem. 

Upper body

Ventral denial and ventral fronting:- when we feel energetic and motivated during talking to some one then our body front side stays in direction to the person with whom we are talking and when we are not feeling good then our body stays in other direction. 

Torso shielding:- putting hand in front of chest during a conversation shows that you are not interested in talking. It is called defensive position. Similarly, if someone is sitting on a table and if they cover their front body by mug or hand then it is also a bad sign during conversation. 

Shoulder shrug:- you might have definitely seen and experienced it, that when some one says "I don't know" Their shoulders raises upside but many times people says "I don't know" But they show no movement on their shoulder it is a sign that they may be lying. 


Gravity defying arms:- uplifting arms shows that they are happy

Hooding effect:- you might have seen in meetings that your boss keeps his both fingers behind his head and keep his elbow front of his face and relaxes. It is a very dominant position that many times senior people do in front of their junior. 

Dominant pose:- the more you will spread your arm the more dominant you will look like. Some people sits in another chair and keeps their hand away from their body this shows that the don't feat to take space it is also a dominant position. 

Hands and fingers:- 

Effective hand movement:- other people responds very well when we use our hands and fingers during talking to someone. Using our hands during talking shows confidence. 

Hands should be visible:- During a good communication you should not Keep your hand behind your back. 

Nervous hands:- some people shows action like playing with hands and fingers during talking with others it is a sign that the are nervous. 


Eyes:- whenever we see something exciting and shocking our pupils size decreases and when we are sad our pupil size decreases. 

Eye blocking:- some people start to blink fast or try to hide their face when they see something that they don't want to see. 

Eye brown flash:- whenever we see something good our eye brows raises quickly and this occur within a second. 

Lip purse:- tightening your lip is a sign that shows that you don't agree something. 

Behavior of face:- If some body has a chin little inside and nose in downward direction then it shows that they are in some problem. Raising head upside is a sign of high confidence. 

You cannot learn body language skill by just reading this you need to practice a lot in an order to understand others. 

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