Five easiest steps to learn public speaking skill fast

 One of the biggest fear that is present in most of us is public speaking some people fear public speaking more than death. Public speaking sounds scary to shy and under confident people even for me also public speaking was scary when I was 16 years old.

Some people are good at it and some might have never dreamed about it. Public speaking is one of the most important skills that we should have because it will help us in every part of our life.

Standing in front of a group of people and expressing your words is not an easy task. I have also suffered from this problem in my life many times but with the flow of time I learned this skill and now I will help you in doing this. There are some simple and effective techniques by which you can also solve this problem so, let's get started.


Public speaking

Techniques to learn public speaking


Your preparation decides how good your speech will be. preparation is not only important for those people who fear public speaking it is important for those also who are good at public speaking. You should remember your speech in such a way that you can speak it without stopping at a word.

Now, this doesn't mean that you should learn your speech word by word instead you should prepare it in points. This will give your speech more flexibility. You should always start your speech by giving a clear introduction about your topic. By doing this you can easily grab your audience attention.

Most of the time people only remembers the beginning and end of the speech, which means that you should give special attention to the preparation of the beginning and ending of your speech.

prepare your mind - 

To give a good speech you should not only prepare your speech but your brain also. You should prepare your brain in such a way that you can imagine your success. Think that your speech is perfect and everybody is going to like it. This will create a positive mindset in your brain and your positivity will reflect from your body during speech.

The more confident you will look the more easily people will be able to connect with you. When you speak loudly and confidently people start to think that you are saying something important and they start giving more attention to you.

Change of pitch - voice modulation.

One of the most important things to make your speech interesting is voice modulation. You should be able to change your voice with every new thought because nobody wants to hear a robotic voice with the same tone and pitch. After all, it sounds very boring.

You should always remember one thing that when you give a speech you are not speaking for yourself, you are speaking for your audience and you cannot make your audience hear a boring speech.  

If you will say everything with the same voice and same pitch then your speech will become emotionless. Think that how you speak with your friends your voice tone changes with your emotion and you don't hesitate to show your feelings this is the same thing that you have to do during public speaking. 

Pause and power

Everything needs a break it means your speech also needs a break. You should be able to identify that where to stop and where not. When you stop between some important lines your audience gets more interested in your speech. It makes your audience wait for your next words. The audience stays connected to your speech.

Now it doesn't mean you can stop anywhere in your speech you should stop between some selective words and you should not stop for more than 2-3 sec. You can understand this by taking an example, suppose we have a sentence "every corrupt politician will remember, this was the day everything changed" in this, it will be good to stop between the word "remember" and "this" where a comma is present. This will sound more interesting to your audience.

Feeling and enthusiasm

You should put your emotions in your speech. It's good to show your expressions on your face this makes your speech more lively. The more excitement you will show about your topic more your audience will get excited. If you are speaking something sad then your pain should be felt by your words and emotions.

Know your audience

Every age group has a different way of talking and mindset. You should change your attitude with your audience. If you have to speak in front of the kid's group then try to be like them. If you have to speak in front of adults then try to speak like them. You should be able to make yourself comfortable in every situation.

Practice tip

Some people say that before going for a speech you should practice it in front of the mirror as this will develop confidence in you and there's nothing wrong with it. It is a very helpful technique but I want to give you a technique that will be more helpful than this for you. You should record your video presenting your speech and then watch it. This thing will help you to point out your mistakes in various parts like in your body language, voice tone, confidence etc.

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