How to talk to others easily


Laughing in a group

We lives in a society where we daily interact with each other by communicating with others but some of us are unable to make better communicate with others. Talking to parents is an easy thing but talking to a stranger is not easy for some of us. We must enhance our communication skill because it is the only thing by which we can leave a powerful impact of our personality on others.  We Can only show the world our abilities and capabilities if we have better communication skill. So here I  will share with you six smart tricks which will be helpful for you to make better communication with others.

1) Avoid fidget

In 1960 live debate happened between Nixon and Kennedy, after the debate people choose Kennedy as their president. Then many political pundits gave the major reason why Nixon lost. One of the reason was Nixon was Behaving very Fidget in front of the camera, most of the time he was touching his eyebrows because of which subconsciously, He wasn't looking trustworthy and influential to the people. Many body language experts and many people just by looking at a person's body gestures can understand whether the person is lying or not. They understand this just by looking at the way a person is talking, all through their body movements. Most of the time When a person lies, his body language also changes and they start doing small different movements means they start behaving fidget like, take off their eyes from the person and then again looking at them, start touching their eyebrows, neck, face etc. These Gestures gives hint that maybe the person is lying Behaving fidget mostly gives a negative impression to the other person so avoid the Fidget.

Group discussion

2) Always come out positive

Many times I have seen that when people meet Someone first or second time they start sharing their tragedies and problems with them. By doing this they feel that they are creating an emotional bond with them or doing something good but they are not behaving correctly because mostly by listening to your negative conversation, the other person will feel negative after which they subconsciously will associate you with negativity and they will not feel good in talking to you again.

Hence, till some time you should talk positively to the person you meet the first time. You can do positive talks like talking about each others goal, dream, any conversation or passion about interest or anything which will make the person happy and positive and avoid doing arguments and negative talks.

This thing will make you more likeable and attractive. This will show others that you are a positive person who enjoys life and is happy. Hence for any relationship always talk positively and have a positive Conversation to build a strong relationship. Others will see you as a positive talking head and they will be attracted to you.

3) Modern Day Renaissance  Man

if I have an interest in books then it doesn't mean that whenever I meet someone, I will talk to them related to books only and if I have no interest in hockey Doesn't mean I shouldn't have any knowledge related it, or I should ignore the friend who is giving to me information related to hockey. Most of the normal person doesn't give attention to the things in which they have no interest. So if you want to become a social expert then you must have knowledge related to every field.

Boy and a man sitting in a chair

4) Be a word detective.  

Word detective means to listen to other person sentence, words and Conversation carefully, attentively and then identifying their interest and the things which they most like the most and can make the conversation more and happy trust worthy.

5) It's com you nication

Since childhood we humans are self-centred, who relates everything with themselves means whatever things happen in this world of whatever information we get, the first thing what we think is, whether this will benefit Us or not, will be a beneficial or a loss. Even for now many of you all must be thinking, what benefit will I get from this information So the benefit from this is, by understanding this information and topic properly, you can improve your social skills.

If you want that people should value and give importance to your talk and conversation and should give you a positive response. So you must involve others more in your talk and conversation by saying you, yours and by names instead of saying me, myself or my likes and dislikes.

Creating a group plan

6) Avoid Bloopers

whenever a person does a mistake or anything happens by mistake then most of the people laugh at him, pass Comments and some politely correct their mistakes but at this time, the expert communicators choose the best option and that is the "IGNORE" option. Expert Communicators knows when someone does a mistake they knew it and already they feel negative about it and at that time by saying anything to them or giving any expression, will make them feel more negative. Hence the best thing what we can do is at least for that time we should ignore it completely, if possible because if you ignore Small mistakes of others that make them feel good and that person will feel, how good you are. So next time when you see a pimple on somebody's face then do not pinpoint it, because that person knows about it already so better ignore it. This thing will make others more comfortable with you.

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