How to manage and organise your task


In a computer, if all the programs are opened one after the other and if all function works together using memory then this thing will slow down the performance of a computer and if other programs start opening as well without closing the previous one then this thing can crash or hang the computer as well. Similarly, when in our brain different work and ideas come, exactly like that programs, which we can't shut down because of some reasons then that idea and work get store in our brain and we think that we forget things, but that's not true, subconscious brain is very amazing which store for years and things when times Comes, suddenly it reminds us.

This thing is good to some extent but the thing which isn't good is when so many things get store in our brain without getting processed, then it increases our stress level and performance gets low meaning we become lazy and unproductive this becomes a big issue for us and doesn't allow us to become successful.

Author David Ellen, who is training many big industry people for more than 30 years in an order to increase their productivity so that they can complete their work nicely.

In his book Getting things Done,  He explains to us, that we shouldn't make our brain like that Computer which can get crashed at any moment instead we should make our brain like peaceful silent water which can handle any situation without changing itself, Example; if you through small stone into a pond, because of which some water will leap, some ripples will form but after some time the water will again normal like before, silent and become normal peaceful. Now if you through a big stone into the pond, as per the stone size more water will leap, big ripples will form but again after some time water will become the Same as before. It means the output will be as much input, more input more output, less input less output than normal. Now we must learn this amazing quality of water for our brain.

Normally we get a lot of ideas and work in a day some small some big and sometimes we give more attention to some work more than it requires and wastes our precious time, whereas should be like water we should give importance to the work as per its necessity and need. To learn this technique of water author has made a system of 5 steps which is known as GTD, Getting things Done. Today I will explain those GTD steps to you so let's begin.

The five steps of GTD are

1) Capture
2) Process or clarify
3) Organize
4) Review.
5) Engage


The very first thing you need to do is, whatever idea or work or anything which comes to your mind writes it down them immediately, Transfer that idea or work to external memory so that your brain doesn't get stressed. External memory could be anything a book, journal, folder in your computer phone, a place where you can write down your idea and you can look into it whenever you required it.

You need to write all the ideas and work on whatever comes to your mind whether it is small or big, it doesn't matter, just write it down. The main reason to write it down is to make your brain Stress free so that we can live the moment and can give our best performance and work without distraction because of which our productivity will increase.

process or clarify

Now, most of the people prepare their list, even they put all their work into it but the problem is that they don't follow further steps, because of which they don't become productive and they don't get the result as well. To get the result most important thing is that we must clarify all things written in the list Because unless those things don't get clarified, they will stick to our mind and the preparing list will be of no use. Hence to follow this step properly we must work as per the flow diagram that the author has explained to us. Very first we will take one work from that list and then we will analyse what exactly it is and what outcome do we want from it. Then we will think about whether that work is actionable means should we take action to finish that work, and if not then it will to one option amongst three. 1 st either it will go to trash, 2nd it will go to someday maybe list or 3rd it will go to the reference about there three option I will explain in the next point, so don't worry about it, if that work is actionable then see whether you can finish that work in 2 minutes or not. If you can finish it in 2 minutes then immediately finish it, but if it takes more time to complete that task, then you should either Delegate it or Defer it. About which I will explain this in the next point. After doing these things you will be very clear about your work.


After cleaning Everything, what we will do, now we will organise every work properly and put every work into a different list, again using the same flow diagram. The first thing the idea or work which isn't actionable, we will organise that in three ways as I said earlier. Things which are not important we will put that work in trash meaning we will delete that work from our mind because remembering it will be a waste of time. second, if you want to do that work, but you have no time to do it then put that work in someday maybe list. Third is idea or information which can be required to you in future purpose you put that task in a reference folder. These all were non-actionable work.  Now things which you can do by taking action, you can organise it in 3 ways so first is project list, under project list all those work will come for which you have to take 2 or more than 2 steps to finish. Now second if there is some work which you can Delegate meaning ask others to do it for you so put that into writing list and Third are kind of work which you need to finish as soon as possible. By doing this you can organise all your list work.


It is important to always review and check this System. You can review it at your convenience, you can review it once a week or once a day or once a month.


last and the most important thing is to Engage. Engage means to do and finish work. starting four points will relax your brain and will help you to your work without Confusion after which you will be able to Complete every work with productivity.

These were the five steps to complete any work. Which you must always Follow.  we unconsciously, do some of the things amongst it But we need to do it on a compulsory basis and make it our compulsory habit and follow it on an extreme basis which will be helpful for us.

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