How to stop a panic attack


Panic attacks are a common illness in most youngsters. 75 out of 1 person might experience panic attacks according to the American Psychological Association. Normally a panic attack lasts for 20 minutes but in some serious condition, it can stay up to an hour. Panic attacks are severe anxiety attacks.

What is a panic attack?

A panic attack is an extreme form of anxiety. In panic attacks, a person gets more anxiety attacks.

What are the symptoms of panic attacks?

During a panic attack, a person feels very nervous and fearful. The symptoms of a panic attack are
• Increased heart rate
• Pain in chest
• Problem in breathing
• Trembling of hands and legs
• Sweating
• Intense fear
• Some get to experience that they will fall on the ground
• Some feel that they are getting a heart attack.

During a panic attack, a person is unable to identify what's happening to him. Mostly the person ages between 20-30 get a panic attack. Mostly young experiences the panic attack. During a panic attack, people start to make assumptions that they have some heart problems and go to the cardiologist and perform various tests and doctors say them they are fine. Anxiety patients always have a misunderstanding that there is something missed by a doctor and they have heart problem now this transforms into panic disorder.

What is panic disorder?

Panic disorder means getting frequently panic attacks. Now the patient who is suffering from the panic attack starts to live in fear of getting another panic attack. To avoid another panic attack the patient start to avoid many things. some people start to avoid walking straight, running or exercising, some people even avoid going alone outside and some avoid driving.

From here the main problem arises. When the patients feel little increase in their heartbeat then the start to make assumptions about panic attacks and by doing it they get more panic. They start to take too much stress which results in causing them panic attacks. This takes a shape of the cycle in which the patient gets a panic attack, he starts to fear from getting another panic attack, his fear creates another panic attack this goes on. To stop this one should take medical help.

What triggers a panic attack?

In different people due to different reason this disease starts. Some people have some medical illness due to they start fearing panic attacks, some people get panic attack without reason, taking too much stress can also trigger a panic attack. The common reason behind panic attacks is the chemical serotonin which is present in the brain. If it's level decreases then it can lead to a panic attack.

How to avoid a panic attack?

We cannot avoid panic attack completely on our own but we can reduce its effect by avoiding alcohol and stimulants such as caffeine as well as drugs. One should also avoid too much stress and overthinking. If you get panic attacks then treat as a disorder and ask for help from doctors or therapist. You should learn how to calm your mind and you can do it by practicing meditation.

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